5 Key Reliefs in Malaysia’s Covid-19 Bill: Better Late than Never?

[Update: On 23 October 2020, Malaysia brought into force its COVID-19 Act, with the full name Temporary Measures for Reducing the Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Act 2020.]

Malaysia has tabled its Temporary Measures for Reducing the Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Bill (Covid-19 Bill) in Parliament. The Bill states that it will have retrospective effect from 18 March 2020. This Covid-19 Bill and the eventual Act may alleviate some of the contractual and other issues that arose from the COVID-19 pandemic and Malaysia’s movement control restrictions.

However, with this Bill only being passed sometime in August 2020, is this a case of too little, too late?  We will have to see whether Malaysia’s Covid-19 Bill can help businesses and companies.

I touch on five key areas in the Covid-19 Bill.

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