Top 20 Most-Followed Malaysian Law Firms on LinkedIn: 2021

In September 2019, we featured the Malaysian law firms active on LinkedIn. The list in 2019 covered less than 10 law firms.

Two years later, we have seen a big growth in the numbers and followers on Malaysian law firm LinkedIn pages. From a search across LinkedIn, we have seen close to 80 law firms with LinkedIn pages. There is also a large increase in the number of Malaysian lawyers starting their LinkedIn accounts. All these factors showcase the strength of LinkedIn as a networking and professional social network.

We feature below the top 20 most-followed Malaysian law firms for the year 2021. The numbers are as at 13 September 2021. Continue reading

Malaysian Law Firms on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a social media platform geared towards professionals and professional networking. It has more than 645 million members. In a survey conducted in 2018 by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, it was estimated that there were about 24.6 million social networking users and 13.3% of these users had a LinkedIn account.

Malaysian law firms are also utilising LinkedIn as a way to reach out to fellow lawyers and to clients. It is an additional platform to market and to engage with readers and clients, and can also be a additional channel for recruitment of talent.

This list covers some of the Malaysian law firms that are active on LinkedIn and have been gaining followers. Continue reading