Malaysian Law Blogs to Follow in 2021

This article sets out a list of 21 active Malaysian law blogs as at 1 September 2021. A law blog would qualify for the list if there has been at least one post in the year 2021.

We look forward to seeing the Malaysian law blog community continue to grow here.

The blogs have been arranged in alphabetical order. Continue reading

Malaysian Law Firms on Instagram

In our earlier post, we had featured Malaysian law firms which are active on LinkedIn. Malaysian law firms are also taking to another social media platform, Instagram. It is a largely photo and video-driven platform, and with a large number of users. There are estimated more than 1 billion monthly active Instagram users and more than 500 million daily active users.

The law firms below have slightly different approaches in utilising Instagram. It may be a combination of sharing knowledge or legal updates, giving an insight into the firm culture or firm activities, or something unique altogether.

We feature below the firms with a higher number of followers. Do drop a comment if you think there are other firms we should feature. Continue reading

Speaking on the Companies Act 2016: Impact and Compliance

There have been a number of readers who have been asking when I will next be speaking on the Companies Act 2016, especially if there is a seminar in Kuala Lumpur.

The Malaysian Lawyer has now partnered up with Legal Logic Asia for this special one-day seminar on the Companies Act 2016: Impact and Compliance of New Laws & Regulations under the Companies Act in Malaysia. You can click on the image below for the registration form.

The seminar will be on 4 April 2017 at Pullman Hotel Bangsar. The early bird registration fee is RM800 while the normal fee is RM900. newco3 Continue reading

Malaysia’s Companies Act 2016

The long-awaited Companies Bill 2015 has received Royal Assent and has been gazetted as the Companies Act 2016.

Based on a prescription order under the National Language Act, the authoritative text of the Companies Act 2016 (and any subsidiary legislation made under the Act) is the English language text. The new Act has not been brought into force yet. [update: The gazette notice has been issued. Almost all the provisions of the new Act will be brought into force on 31 January 2017. I have now written about this and the 10 things to immediately prepare for.]


It has also been announced that the Companies Commission of Malaysia intends to bring the Companies Act 2016 into force in stages. This will start from next year onwards. I would imagine that the sections dealing with insolvency and the new corporate rescue mechanisms could be brought into force at the last stage. The priority may be to implement the new provisions on the incorporation of companies.

To read more about my thoughts on the Companies Bill 2015 and now, the new Companies Act 2016, see below:




BFM Interview: Companies Bill 2015 – A Big Bang Approach

About two weeks ago, I had a pre-recorded interview with BFM to share my views on the new Companies Bill 2015.


This morning, the segment was aired as part of its Current Affairs series. You can click on to the podcast.

I generally shared why the new changes are to be welcomed and I traced the long process to arrive where we are at. On the one hand, we adopted the best practices from other jurisdictions. However, I also shared my personal thoughts on certain areas where we could have improved further. Finally, I shared how the different segments of the industry may be worried about the unknown and of the new.